Browse by Curriculum Level

Group by: Subjects | Year | No Grouping | Authors | Item Type | Year
Number of items at this level: 151.


Phiri, John T (2018) Developmental Psychology. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Biology. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).


Open School BC (2012) Planning Setting Personal Goals. [Teaching/Learning Resource]


Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Chemistry. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).


Lynch, John (1998) Pacific Languages: An Introduction. University of Hawai‘i Press, Hawai. ISBN 0–8248–1898–9

Lesson monitoring & Evaluation

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Researching in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Lesson preparation & Delivery

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Being a Resourceful Teacher in Challenging Circumstances. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Planning and Preparing your Lessons. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using the Local Community/Environment as a Resource. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Working with Large Classes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]


Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).


Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Intergration in Physics. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Policy & Research

McGreal, Rory and Kinuthia, Wanjira and Marshall, Stewart and McNamara, Tim, eds. (2013) Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN 978-1-894975-62-9

Abrioux, Dominique A M X and Ferreira, Frances, eds. (2009) Open Schooling in the 21st Century. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Butcher, Neil and Moore, Andrew (2015) Understanding Open Educational Resources. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Guidelines on Distance Education during COVID-19. Other. Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.

Commonwealth of Learning (2016) Institutional OER policy -Template. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Report of the Regional Focal Points Meeting - Pacific. Other. Commonwealth of Learning.

Daniel, John Sagar (2019) Open Universities: Old concepts and contemporary challenges. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning,, 20 (4).

Global Education Monitoring Report, Team (2020) Global education monitoring report, 2020: Inclusion and education: all means all. UNESCO, France.

Hirtz, Sandy (2008) Education for a Digital World: Advice, Guidelines, and Effective Practice from Around the Globe. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Huit, William G and Monetti, David M (2017) Openness and the transformation of education and schooling. In: Open: The Philosophy and Practices that are Revolutionizing Education and Science. Ubiquity Press.

James, Rosalind and Bossu, Carina (2014) Conversations from south of the equator: Challenges and Opportunities in OER across Broader Oceania. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 11. pp. 78-90.

Judith, Razafimbelo (2018) Managing a School’s Educational Resources. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Kawachi, Paul (2014) Quality Assurance guidelines for Open Educational Resources: TIPS framework. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2016) Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mays, Tony (2020) The need for and nature of open schooling. [Video]

Mbozi, Emmy H (2018) Comparative Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Mihamitsy, Cyrille (2018) Sociology of Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Mohamed Osman, Ridwan (2018) Educational Research. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Naidu, Som and Roberts, Keith J. (2019) Future Proofing Higher Education in the Pacific with Open and Flexible Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Neal, Terry (2011) Open and Flexible TVET in Commonwealth Pacific Countries. Project Report. Commonwealth of Learning.

Ngugi Kimani, Gerald (2018) Educational Management. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Ntare Rutondoki, Edward (2018) Special Needs Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Orr, Dominic and Weller, Martin and Farrow, Rob (2018) Models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education across the globe – a comparative analysis. Project Report. International Council for Open and Distance Education, Oslo.

Peters, Bonnie and Crawley, Anita and Brindley, Jane E (2018) Student support services for online learning re-imagined and re-invigorated: Then, now and what's to come.

Rajasekaran, Subhashini and Reyes, Joel (2020) Back to School Pathways for Reengagement of Out-of-School Youth in Education. Technical Report. The World Bank, Washington.

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Mind Maps and Brainstorming to Explore Ideas. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Vaa, Leatuaolevao R (2015) A Baseline Study on Technology-Enabled Learning in the Commonwealth Pacific Island Countries: Report. Technical Report. Commonwealth of Learning.

dos Santos Andreia, Inamorato and Punie, Yves and Muñoz Jonatan, Castaño (2016) Opening up education: A support framework for higher education institutions. Other. Joint Research Centre, European Commission.

Special and Inclusive Education

Ferreira, Ronél and Sefotho, Maximus M, eds. (2020) Understanding Education for the Visually Impaired. AOSIS.

Sefotho (2020) Teaching Learners with Visual Impairment. AOSIS.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) The Inclusive Approach to Teaching and Learning: Module 5. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teaching Pedagogies

Kennepohl, Dietmar and Shaw, Lawton, eds. (2010) Accessible Elements Teaching Science Online and at a Distance. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Attitude and Social Cognition. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) The Bases of Human Behaviour. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Veletsianos, George, ed. (2016) Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning Foundations and Applications. Issues in Distance Education . Athabasca University Press, Canada. ISBN 9781771991506

Burge, Elizabeth (Liz) and Gibson, Chère Campbell and Gibson, Terry, eds. (2011) Flexible Pedagogy, Flexible Practice Notes from the Trenches of Distance Education. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Human Development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using explaining and Demonstrating to Assist Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Meeting the Challenges. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Motivation and Emotion. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Psychological Disorders. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Psychology and Life. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mays, Tony, ed. (2021) Reversioning OER: A Guide for Teachers in the Pacific. Commonwealth of Learning, Vancouver, Canada.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices The teacher’s role in promoting literacy and numeracy : Module 4. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) Assessment for Quality Learning:Module 3. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

National Council of Educational Research and Training (2020) Self and Personality. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Freeman, Richard (2005) Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bates, A.W. (Tony) (2019) Teaching in a Digital Age - Second Edition. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Cleveland-Innes, Martha and Wilton, Dan (2018) Guide to Blended Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2019) Guide to Gender-Responsive Learning Materials Development. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Guidelines on Distance Education during COVID-19. Other. Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Strategies for Blended TVET In Response to COVID-19. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Towards more Resilient Schooling: Possible Models for the Future. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and PACFOLD Learn and Foreign Affairs and Trade, New Zealand (2021) Integrating OER in Teaching: A Guide for Teachers in the Pacific. Documentation. Commonwealth of Learning, British Columbia.

FIT-ED (Coalition Secretariat) with Coalition members Education (2020) Teacher’s Guide for Remote Learning During School Closures and Beyond. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Ferreira, Frances (2010) Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open Schools. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Fullan, Michael and Langworthy, Maria (2014) A rich seam: How new pedagogies find deep learning. Technical Report. Pearson.

Gatumu, Jane Ciumwari (2018) Reflective Teaching. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Goodell, Jim and Kessler, Aaron (2020) Science of Remote Learning (Beta version). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mackintosh, Wayne (2021) DS4OERS Lesson Plan Template. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mays, Tony (2021) Lesson plan for remote teaching. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mehta, Rohit and Keenan, Sarah (2017) Why Teachers Should Care About Beauty in Science Education. Why Teachers Should Care About Beauty in Science Education.

Mitra, Sugata (2020) Children and the Internet:Learning in the Times to Come. Journal of Learning for Development, 7 (3).

Mohamed Osman, Ridwan (2018) Classroom Management and Supervision. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Mohamed Osman, Ridwan (2018) Educational Evaluation and Testing. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Moon, Bob (2018) A Blueprint and Toolkit for School-Based Teacher Development: secondary. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Okumu, Auma (2018) Introduction to Guidance and Counselling. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Power, Michael (2009) A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Assessing Progress and Performance. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Involving all. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Monitoring and Giving Feedback. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Planning Lessons. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Storytelling, Songs, Role play and Drama. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Talk for Learning. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Using Questioning to Promote Thinking. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Using groupwork. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Using local resources. [Video]

TESS-India and The Open University (2017) TESS-India: All India Resources Using pair work. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Biology. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Chemistry. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Intergration in Physics. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Assessing learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Being a Resourceful Teacher in Challenging Circumstances. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Planning and Preparing your Lessons. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Researching in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Group Work in your Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Investigations in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using New Technologies. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using Role Play/Dialogue/Drama in the Classroom. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using questioning to Promote Thinking. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using the Local Community/Environment as a Resource. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Working with Large Classes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Working with Multigrade Classes. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resources- Key Resources for Teachers and Teacher Educators. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices (TCP) Learning Focused Classroom Practices:Module 2. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Educ and Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (2020) Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning During Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Technical and Vocational Education

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Strategies for Blended TVET In Response to COVID-19. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mackintosh, Wayne (2021) Audiographic Overview. [Video]

Neal, Terry (2011) Open and Flexible TVET in Commonwealth Pacific Countries. Project Report. Commonwealth of Learning.

Technology-Enabled Learning

Kennepohl, Dietmar and Shaw, Lawton, eds. (2010) Accessible Elements Teaching Science Online and at a Distance. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Veletsianos, George, ed. (2016) Emergence and Innovation in Digital Learning Foundations and Applications. Issues in Distance Education . Athabasca University Press, Canada. ISBN 9781771991506

Bunda College of Agriculture, University of Malawi (2009) IADP-SADC Digital Resources Project Resources. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Wesolek, Andrew and Lashley, Jonathan and Langley, Anne, eds. (2018) OER: A Field Guide for Academic Librarians. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

McGreal, Rory and Kinuthia, Wanjira and Marshall, Stewart and McNamara, Tim, eds. (2013) Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice. Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning . Commonwealth of Learning, Canada. ISBN 978-1-894975-62-9

Ferreira, Frances and Gauthier, Cindy, eds. (2013) Open Schooling with Open Educational Resources: Opening Doors, Creating Opportunities. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Du Vivier, Ed, ed. (2009) The Open Schools Handbook A Resource Guide for Managers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Freeman, Richard (2005) Creating Learning Materials for Open and Distance Learning: A Handbook for Authors and Instructional Designers. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Bates, A.W. (Tony) (2019) Teaching in a Digital Age - Second Edition. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Butcher, Neil and Moore, Andrew (2015) Understanding Open Educational Resources. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Chakroun, Borhene and Keevy, James (2018) Digital credentialing: implications for the recognition of learning across borders. Other. UNESCO, Paris.

Cleveland-Innes, Martha and Wilton, Dan (2018) Guide to Blended Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Guidelines on Distance Education during COVID-19. Other. Commonwealth of Learning, Canada.

Commonwealth of Learning (2016) Institutional OER policy -Template. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Strategies for Blended TVET In Response to COVID-19. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning (2020) Towards more Resilient Schooling: Possible Models for the Future. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Commonwealth of Learning and SchoolNet South Africa (2015) Commonwealth Certificate for Teacher ICT Integration (CCTI) Course Modules. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Conrad, Dianne and Openo, Jason (2018) Assessment Strategies for Online Learning. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Council on Higher Education (South Africa) and South African Institute for Distance Education (SAIDE) (2014) Distance Higher Education Programmes in a Digital Era: Good Practice Guide. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

FIT-ED (Coalition Secretariat) with Coalition members Education (2020) Teacher’s Guide for Remote Learning During School Closures and Beyond. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Ferreira, Frances (2010) Quality Assurance Toolkit for Open Schools. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Goodell, Jim and Kessler, Aaron (2020) Science of Remote Learning (Beta version). [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2016) Technology-Enabled Learning Implementation Handbook. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Mackintosh, Wayne (2021) Audiographic Overview. [Video]

Mays, Tony (2021) Lesson plan for remote teaching. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Millwood, Richard (2013) The concept map of Learning Theory(with linked explanation for each theory). Richard Millwood.

Mitra, Sugata (2020) Children and the Internet:Learning in the Times to Come. Journal of Learning for Development, 7 (3).

Neal, Terry (2011) Open and Flexible TVET in Commonwealth Pacific Countries. Project Report. Commonwealth of Learning.

Orr, Dominic and Weller, Martin and Farrow, Rob (2018) Models for online, open, flexible and technology enhanced higher education across the globe – a comparative analysis. Project Report. International Council for Open and Distance Education, Oslo.

Peters, Bonnie and Crawley, Anita and Brindley, Jane E (2018) Student support services for online learning re-imagined and re-invigorated: Then, now and what's to come.

Power, Michael (2009) A Designer’s Log Case Studies in Instructional Design. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Biology. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Integration in Chemistry. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) ICT Intergration in Physics. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Tchameni Ngamo, Salomon (2018) Integrating ICT in Mathematics Education. Project Report. African Virtual University (AVU).

Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa and The Open University (2016) Key Resource: Using New Technologies. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (2013) School Based Teacher Development programme (SBTD)- Transforming Classroom Practices Developing Active Pedagogies:Module 1. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

UNESCO International Research and Training Centre for Rural Educ and Smart Learning Institute of Beijing Normal University (2020) Handbook on Facilitating Flexible Learning During Educational Disruption: The Chinese Experience in Maintaining Undisrupted Learning in COVID-19 Outbreak. [Teaching/Learning Resource]

Vaa, Leatuaolevao R (2015) A Baseline Study on Technology-Enabled Learning in the Commonwealth Pacific Island Countries: Report. Technical Report. Commonwealth of Learning.

This list was generated on Tue Mar 11 16:20:57 2025 UTC.